
‘’...’’Creation is’’ also ‘’investigation of the world’’ ... of the other ... and ourselves… ''science is an investigation of the world, analysis is an investigation of the world, creation has this in particular to never definitively conclude or rule'' or ... and this is the trap (ha ha!), the reverse of the coin of that wonderful freedom that many envy: not keeping any exit door at hand, not offering any protection to it’s officiant. ‘’Creation can not claim to demonstrate any statement in principle since creation attempts to create.''
‘’... By a ‘’Loving-gaze-on-the-world’’ as a tool of knowledge I speak of a practice which exercises it’s self deliberately from our self’s and by our self’s through and in the proximity of what pleases it. This approach, does not engage and does not concern anyone else except for the being that does it, this focus that we exercise in freedom as we may well look at what we want and whom we want as long as we have eyes to see what we are seeing this is our vision and this ‘’the vision of the creation and the vision of the work belongs INALIENABLY to the eye that is visualizing it’’.
The work as an object is neither more nor less than any other object whatsoever. The miracle of a painting is not in the piece of paper or in the canvas may it be signed by Leonardo, Picasso, me or a store clerk, but essentially in the authors approach that this what the painting means in his view of the world and the approach of the other, ''the public'' mite we say, eye which visualizes the work in turn and projects a vision for himself.
And thus it is for the moment of the vision, of the work and its image.
If I could only convey my love of art it would go so much faster than trying to explain anything. ''

Monique Jarry

***** (Text: 1981, photo: 1977)
