No.: 1973 - 040, 041, 042, 043, 044, 045, 046, 047, 048.
Title: ‘’The intimacy of a modern young witch.''
Size: 23 cm. X 30 cm.
Materials: Ink on rice-paper.
Category: Organigram-condenser.
Note: 1973 - 048 - Collection S. Simard.
Comments and / or explanation:
Series 9.
***** (It is written on the canvas:
No.: 1973 - 040 (1992) Title: ‘’''Mystical poetry'' ''Loyalty''.''
''If the world does not know us, /it is that it did not know. / Well-Beloved / from now on we are children of God, / and what we will be has not yet been raised. / We know that when it arises / we shall be similar to him, / because we will see him as He is.''
Ep - St. - John 3: 1 to 2
No.: 1973 - 041 (1992) Title: ‘’''Mystical poetry'' ''Hope''.''
''Come to me / all of you who labour / and buckle under the burden ...''
Matthew 11: 28.
No.: 1973 - 042 (1992) Title: ‘’''Mystical poetry'' ''Love''.''
''Put me as a seal upon thine heart, / as a seal on your arm. / For love is as a port like Death / like the inflexible passion of Sheol. / Its features are features of fire, / a flame of Yahweh.''
The Song of Songs 8 6.
No.: 1973 - 043 (1992) Title: ‘’''Mystical poetry'' ''Jerusalem renewed''.''
‘’He drew up a signal to the nations / and gather the exiled of Israel. / He gathered the dispersed of Judah / from the four corners of the earth.''
Isaiah 11, 12.
No.: 1973 - 044 (1992) Title: ‘’''Mystical poetry'' ''The promise''.''
''Your dead shall live, / your corpses shall rise. / Awake and sing, / you who live in the dust, / for thy dew is a dew of light, / and the country will bring forth the shadows.''
Isaiah 26, 19.
No.: 1973 - 045 (1992) Title: ’’''Mystical poetry'' ''The crown''.''
Come watch'', / daughters of Zion / King Solomon / with the diadem with which his mother crowned him on the day of his nuptials, / the day of the joy of his heart.''
The Song of Songs 3, 11.
No.: 1973 - 046 (1992) Title: ’’''Mystical poetry'' ''The Beloved''.''
''As soon as Jesus was baptized, / he left the water. / And lo, the heavens were opened,/ and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And behold, a voice was heard / of heaven, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I put all my affection.''
Matthew 3, 16 to 17.)
No.: 1973 - 047 (1992) Title: '''' Mystical poetry'' ''Prophecy''.''
''Here, the young woman is pregnant, / she will give birth to a son / and shall give him the name Emmanuel.''
Isaiah 7, 14.