TEXTS ON ART : Image number img131
From page 1 to page 40.
***** (Bio., page 350)
***** (Written in 1973 or 74)
***** (To her students)
Monday’s course - Note: write to Pauline and asked her
news about Monday
and explain my absence
- 1 - the meaning of creation, search for my
last year notes.
- Slides
- at the end, on the matter of my interest
to give them courses; because I believe
in their potential and up till now
their approach has not been ''academic''
and that it takes a ‘’non-academic’’ approach of the mind
to have a chance to
generate something in art, to feel
something from the gut of creation
- Free Thought
- Autonomy of action
- Be able to walk out of the frames and
the beaten paths
- Be capable of feeling something and transform
dreams from one's guts into a plan and then into action
to give form and life to an idea against all odds.
- You see what changes a society structurally
(aie!, if there are sociologists HERE - (Paul?) --
forgive the crudeness of my vocabulary
and my simplistic shortcuts! ! ! yes yes I am
pragmatic, down-to-earth, apples and
oranges ... I am not an academic!
A) inventer - T. V., etc.
B) marketing force - e.g. General Foods
and soy beans
C) creators bringing a look
a conception of life of
the world, spiritually
or physically
e.g. Cubism
Le Corbusier
the Bahans
and all the daily life of people changes.
‘’…when you decide at age 5 that
you want to change the world, your parents
do not cry ''Ho! George, look the little one has the soul of an artist,
we must not break his fine temperament.
No question of sending him to school and there
levelling mould like his little brothers ... etc. ...''
So now you go into the
wide world by first passing through the
great levelling. If you have no talent and not very much guts
things will be ok,
but if your guts are full, then things
begins to turn square, home,
school in the neighbourhood, at the job, in
love, everywhere. (You are well paid
to understand what I mean!)
Or it’s because you are fucked up (ha!
ha! ha!)
* Or, or, or it’s because that you’ve got a little something
special in your heart! ! !
Seen from the outside, having something in your heart
always gives you an ambiguous look
early in life,
(a sort of sickly look, of rage, of rebellion
at the begins of life because ...
we don’t exactly know what we’ve got !
Is it a diamond that we have in the
heart ?
Is it a cancer that we have there?
How do we know before having
tested it (you people here are ''testers'')
I can not say that all delinquents are artists,
but certainly, all true artists are delinquents.
***** (Bio., Page: 356)
***** (Text on psychoanalytic painting in early 1974. This text is handwritten and there is a word
that I can not ''understand'' it will be preceded by *****? and brackets. The
text begins with a series of definitions, then a quote that dates from 1970; it was part of an interview
that Monique gave in a TV program called ‘‘Present’’ at Radio-Canada.)
first production of a writer, of an artist.
Title of books comprising various reflections or
treating a subject they do not claim to exhaust.
written declaration by which a ruler, a party chief ,
a group of personalities and so on report
on there conduct in the past and set goals that
they propose themselves for the future.
proposal that is enounced and supported
character of what is touching, elevating and charming.
Opinion: view, way of thinking (on a particular topic)
Account…place established in thought between two concepts...
way of thinking, of appreciating
knowledge or insight into immediate data.
Thinking good or bad
disposition to be easily moved, touched ...
affection, tenderness.
psychological investigation aimed at
bringing to consciousness obscure and repressed
(careful research and monitoring)
Poukhè: soul
Science Logos
Psychology: the scientific study of the mind ... (weak)!
whose purpose is observation of
the external of human behaviour
the method consists in verification by experi-
Study of the interrelationships between
individuals and the groups to which
he belongs.
accurate and reasoned knowledge of certain specific things.
bring anew
put back in its place - to revive, restore ...
Return to: bring back to:
To bring something to the place where it
was ...
oriented towards a goal ...
to complete by adding ...
Co-birth, concept
sense of duty, morality
knowledge of emotional, intellectual and
volitional phenomena’s that happen inside us ...
concept, an idea of something
ability to receive impressions - to feel.
***** (Next page)
spirit of free inquiry ...
right for each man to believe
only that which his individual reason may
difficult to understand - little known or hidden -
dark, not illuminated.
Repressed (repression)
unconscious opposition to the achievement of trends
considered reprehensible that still exists in a
latent state.
to make entering by force
to compress
to make roll Back – push back ...
Free thinker:
person free of any religion
who thinks - reason, made in his mind --
conceives, imagine ...
ability to compare, to combine ideas ...
***** (Next page)
''I have a profound attachment to my condition as a free being, to have often paid for it dearly. I know
the understanding that we must give to everyone that imprison their lives, their customs and institutions.
The ''spreading'' of freedom, since our knowledge allows us to begin to consider it, can not be done without
the respect of being because it is at the heart of it that is found again this significant desire and it is through
observation of the various expressions of the psyche that we begin to reconstruct a language that permits us
to engage this ''spreading'' of freedom.''
*****? (The ancelphabite) and the erudite, unless nature has denied one of their senses,
have the possibility to store under the same spatial
and temporal conditions a series of events that automatically occur
to both identically. Furthermore, the assessment of
similar phenomena in their essence is the demarcation line
of this similarity, the level of consciousness being
defined as the acuity to grasp affective, intellectual
and volitional phenomena’s that happen inside of us, is therefore tainted
by our knowledge understood to be the faculty
to receive impressions or to feel surrounding phenomena.
To undertake an essay, write a manifesto, formulate
a thesis or to present poetry inherent to the ‘’psychoanalytic painting movement’’
would corresponded to more than one dialectic problem and
would situate my work at the intrinsic level of ‘’the spreading of freedom’’.
Tainted by the multiple differences relative to the acuity of
each individual to analyse a phenomenon,
I had to, identify beforehand to the spreading, the problem
of communication and ensure myself of a
technique of expression susceptible to be seen in its
first meaning by the multitude. Obviously
the linguistic keyboard of the *****? (aucelphabite)
becomes the tool of vulgarisation if this spreading would
want to be promulgated to all that humanity constantly
in mutation although concerned by a clear vulgarisation;
I had to tap into the sources of a specific language
that the ‘’fashionable’’ themes short-circuit regularly
and for cause, the understanding of
the uninitiated individual concerning the vagaries of this linguistic maze
***** (Next page)
where very few of us can undertake without
fear of controversy, complexity, worse still
verbosity. So I longed to use a vocabulary
that would have all the characteristics of a staccato
that would underline the essential, referring to common sense,
standardizing interpretation, as far as it is possi –
ble. It is my opinion that there is no literary style, any language,
no phenomenon endowed with greater internationalism than that inherent
to the visual message; in this culture of images, it appeared to me
very clearly and without a doubt that beyond the boundaries and linguistic
barriers , that a significant proportion of individuals will
immediately understand a visual message.
Psychoanalytic painting comes from
this language imagery available to all and especially first,
before the abstraction of the verb, preceding vocal translation ,
any excitement conscious or unconscious present’s itself
in the form of pictures (visual dream or reality), which
is then transposed and interpreted by language.
This first truth corresponds to the axioms of motion
of psychoanalytic painting that appears
ideological, and focused on the expression of the individual
in its entirety, in its concrete reality or unconscious,
and in the wealth of his own nature.
Psychoanalytic painting aims to enable
to instantanise the immediate visual representation
and eliminated by this moment of reflection more
or less prolonged, where all of these acquired
and effects come into play in the translation of
observed phenomenon thus resorbing as such the
cataloguing and dissociation of this phenomenon.
***** (Bio., page 361)
***** (Written text, Spring 1974)
(Manuscript: reflections and research, theory on art)
Manuscript 1
what I do I do first for me.
- I am starting to establish benchmarks in
my environment. This first round of
recognition (1954 - 1974) now permits me
to enter a library without dispersing
my desire.
- I am entering into the constructive period of my life
because I am finally able not to let myself be distracted more
than 90, 92% of the time by my surroundings
and what is happening to me. Finally an opening to ''cohere'' what
I want and want to feel.
- I would be much easier to expose
my theories if I had as these polemicists,
a specific oppressor that I wanted to shoot down.
I would then at least have the style of
the manifesto to express myself, but it
is not against an enemy that would tend to limit me that I situate
myself but rather relative to a becoming-being toward which I strive.
- For many, to understand is to join,
what puts me in bad terms with many is that they do not admit
that even if they feel understood, I do not approve
- A Season in Hell vs. surrealism.
bla - bla - bla ...
Finally, a road is open to infinity.
a method of infinite possibilities and corollaries
is offered.
Reaching ‘’new insights’’ now depends
on motivation (sense - interest) or on the endurance
of the researcher.
-. originally my sponsors; be, feel and understand
. and then the environmental, observation
. my instinct on a ''measure'' of the human scale.
sense of observation
. Discovering my means of natural order,
that is to say inherent to my
individual structure --
painting, sacred expression
games (shows)
observation tools
. assessing the importance of my sponsors
assessing the importance of my structure
my ‘’comfortable’’ installation, at the hart of my
. observation of ‘’my’’ sense of becoming
the feeling of others towards their becoming.
. finding a common measure between
my becoming and that of others in general.
. highlighting the usefulness of giving
a structure for my observations to
make them suitable for feedback and comparison
. study rather than focusing on the becoming but
on the structure, on the perception of this becoming
and the process it uses to
tend towards itself
. discovery of the different degrees of motivation
(meaning - interest) of becoming
that occur in individuals
given a comparable level of
intelligence (according to the criteria’s of our
time) between individuals compared
by there conscience
of a comparable energy in these individuals,
spent on improving
(in general or specialized - more
often specialized) of a structure of
observation (at large) making the action
suitable for feedback (and comparison -
more or less depending on the degree of specialization)
thus to this form of judgement
that is evaluation. (Simulation range I. P. O ....)
. discovery that these different orientations of
energy devoted to the awareness depend
on the difference between these individuals
of the concept of ''a measure on the human scale.''
For one and another this scale
is based on a more or less short or
long term where this man defined more or
less the individual or gender, the gender
or continuation of the species.
-. discovery of loneliness (versus the feeling
of being forsaken, of being non-supported)
‘’simply, simply someone to talk to…’’
recognition of the high degree of motivation
that raises in me this quest for
realization of my becoming through the use
of this new structure of observation,
awareness of the importance of defining even
in ''fantasy ', the ideal of
this becoming to maintain a ‘’comfortable’’ emotional
the demystification of the usefulness of my sponsorship
for the personified structure that
I am in the genus, and the demystification
of the value of the spontaneous collective expression
by studying its structure and its meaning
(meaning – go towards) discharge all
ambitions such as commonly known
by their emotional content (relative to the
pursuit of these ambitions) reassuring since
limiting or explaining them takes away their
relative value of an ''ideal''.
and that
as for me, I do not know if it is a
feeling created in me after the fact, that is to say
during ongoing education, or a feeling
proper to my own nature, but I still continue to need,
up to now, not to situate myself in relation
to a point outside of me, such as a
family, a god ... but in relation to a
center, a purpose, a nature ... ha!
I truly feel in writing this that there is a
learned desire for a ''normality'', a duty
to perform, of a talent, of a life
to answer for, of a fear almost as
great as the desire of something new
something else ...all imbroglioed,
this knot of strength which brings back incessantly
the question: And I, do
I like going through this life alone?
If I wanted to understand how
and what makes our mind work, it was
not to miss endlessly my attempts
of association, of love, which many were aborted
or ill-discovered after the fact,
because of ignorance of any objective consciousness
about what would occur and now it is
this same objective consciousness which today
secludes me, who after having explained
what could have been, felt or said with
each, for each of these attempts
of association deposited in me the fruits of
a rich meeting, leave me alone on a
wonderful beach before a sea so
welcoming that I know I can not
without depriving one of my most profound
desires to not enter it if not
cross it. But now, I who
discovered this shore after a
painful quest that initiated me to the
delights of exploring, I find that
this wonderful beach raises for me
an anxiety that often exceeds the
desire for knowledge among almost all ...
individuals who access it other than through
the long meanders of experimentation…
This year we will be few to undertake
this crossing ...
I know that tonight when I go to bed
I will say: never mind, they will join us
later! ... but I also know that
I will have delayed the time of going to bed
until physical fatigue prevails over
every other feeling ...
- Pierre Reverdy, North - South, May 1918
‘’The picture is a pure creation of the mind.
It cannot arise from a comparison but the
juxtaposition of two realities more or less
The more the relations of the two juxtaposed realities
will be distant and true, the picture will be
strong – the more it will have emotional power
and poetic reality ...''
- This made me think about that
yes, but I was not exactly made
like this, so ...
- Psychoanalytic painting: l. f. definition
encycl. Philos. ...
cf. p. 37 Manifesto of Surrealism. Surrealism.
- Focus on the word ''psychoanalysis''
psychoanalytic medicine
psychoanalytic painting
psychoanalytic religion
etc. ...
- Psychoanalytic method of the study of the science
of behaviour ...
- So many are too proud, or too insecure
(would be afraid of losing their value
as creators for example) (for use)
by using the
resources of their unconscious observations
in shaping of their
professional or personal opinions
- I obey a lot to the motivation that push me
in my quest, to the desire of wanting to
render (meaning - performance) related
to the opportunities that I received
through the personalised structure that is
mine within the genus
- Surrealism versus psychoanalytic painting
‘’Today Desnos speaks ‘’Surrealist’’
at will. The extraordinary agility that he puts forward
in orally following his thought is worth as much as pleases us
than the beautiful speeches and that get lost,
Desnos having better things to do than to fix them. He
reads in himself like an open book and does nothing to
stop the leaves from flying off in the wind of
his life. ‘’A. Breton, First Manifesto 1924
Reading in oneself like an open book means to
us much more than to be conscious at will,
to the minute, because of the fact that a being unconscious of
us, talks to us constantly, but to be
able to hear this being (meaning - understanding)
in the sense that he expresses himself
that is to say, also being able to translate him.
It reminds me of the time of my classical studies
when I did not even understand the meaning
of ‘’How are you?’’, but this did not stop me from reading in
English classes any text
that they wanted to submit to my interpretation
with the purest accent ... ‘’Harvard’’? ? without
even knowing what I was talking about,
so much so that I provoked the rage of
all my English teachers for two years
and a half because I could not return
an English version normally constituted,
at that time, my mother came to the college herself to
convince my teacher on the accuracy
of the fact that I did not understand one
word of English. Up until then they imputed
the failure of my versions to a political attitude;
Independence (1) Quebec context
(1) old enough to recollect one’s dreams
being old enough to translate or interpret (according to what
school), then to converse and trade
with them.
-''Language has been given to man'' Breton
Manifesto 1924
... Was given… this concept leaves me pensive
cf. Other examples of proposals that are not defined
but consistently taken for granted (even if
they are often improvable!) in the inter -
Human relationships of ARC agency.
-''... the day the Surrealist methods begins
to enjoy some favour. It will thus be necessary to have
morals substituting the
morals in use; the cause of all our ills.'' Breton,
comments to the 1929 edition of Manifesto 24
Is well to achieve the freedom
that Surrealism is tending towards and to replace
a restraining moral by another - which in
any case, so unique, seems destined in a
more or less short term to become
as limiting as the first.
we feel much more in agreement
with the following: cf. p. 82 Surrealist Manifesto 2nd
''In any case we have enough self-esteem for ourselves to have helped establish
the scandalous insanity of what, when we arrived,
was THOUGHT and have supported - even if only supported --
that thought had FINALLY succumbed
to the THINKABLE’’ Manifesto 30, which merely reiterates this view in 1924.
-‘’How old are you?’’ - Doctor
‘’You’’ (patient) (echolalia)
‘’What is your name?’’ (Md)
''Forty-five houses. (A symptom of Ganser; wrong reply)
Will the patient have the upper hand?
As he imposes himself by his responses to
the examining physician - and he is not
the one asking the questions.
-''Surrealism aimed at nothing so much as
to provoke from an intellectual and moral point of view ,
a crisis of conscience of the
broader and more serious kind and
the obtaining or not obtaining of this result
can only decide on its success or
its historic failure.'' Manifest Top 29
‘’From an intellectual standpoint, it was ...
... (To have a hypocritical construction, etc. ...) ...
All indications are ... (that it exists ... - Reference to
the known assertions and accepted by all that we can
retake and interpret to our own credit) ...
THUS ...''
-''Total recovery of our psychic force''
purpose of surrealism (Manifesto 29)
''a dizzying descent in ourselves''
‘’Systematic enlightenment of hidden
''progressive darkening of the other
- Continued:
2 large battles – writing or
automatic language.
- Dream narrative.
- Breton claims (Manifesto 29) that even if
political parties are prone to treachery, to the
reversals of their members how would this not be
worse in surrealism ...
One and other are a group
of men more or less aware of their
desires, wills, decisions, and more or
less aware of their ego, unconscious,
instincts, deep motivation, needs, ...
we must not accuse the sort of task
that has to be accomplished but observe the aptitude or not,
or more or less, of the members to accomplish
consciously any task whatsoever (consciously
and ''responsibly''.)
- The evolution of psychoanalytic painting
. what is the tradition (young but tradition
anyway) in North America.
. as it is changing human beings through
relationship between the advent of psychoanalytic painting
(and simulation, ..., ...) and orientation of
the social, the cultural, and the political
in North America since its advent
- ... (the call themselves) proletarian writers and artists,
pretexting that in their production
everything is ugliness and
misery, and that they cannot conceive anything else, fed up with
disgusting reporting, of funeral monuments
and sketches of prison, and that they only know how to agitate
the spectre of Zole, before our eyes ...''
Breton (Manifesto 29)
Breton also claims there (1)''I do not think
that the existence of a current
literature or art expressing the desire of the
working class is a possibility (2)'' If I refuse to
believe it, it's that in a pre-revolutionary period
the writer or artist, of bourgeois training ,
is by definition
unable to translate them.''
response to (1). An art really born of the working
class, like mine for example
indeed differs from a traditional art
not so much in form as in its
motivation. Example: If drawing came to me
naturally, it would actually have
appeared somewhat less natural to draw
''professionally'' to me for reasons
purely aesthetic, for example, or as we say
between us for the ‘’KIK’’.
I chose to
draw ''professionally'' in the
sense that I saw a medium, a tool,
within my reach (I had the instinct for drawing) to
continue further my studies of the
world and myself that I had undertaken as
all children of all ages coming into
the world, with my first breath.
Thus was born psychoanalytic
painting; in which the author,
who come from the working class, we
can discern a clear trend
compared to said to be "traditional" artists,
that is to say from the middle class, a
therefore clear tendency to objectification, to the
resourcing of one's experiences,… example
Mireille Bédard; the Living Theatre and animation.
response to 2, it is true that Breton continues by
saying: if I do not refuse ...
‘’of a training necessarily bourgeois’’
we must not forget that this statement is
valid of course for his country but
is not valid for all, nor even every
so-called capitalist country (?) since Quebec
where for example I am a child of the century
from the working class or otherwise,
it is permissible for individuals to ''capitalize''
even the information, even knowledge
even inventions.
- Inspiration: ''we recognize without
difficulty to this taking total possession of
our mind by and far prevents
that for every problem proposed we are
the victim of a rational solution rather
than an other rational solution, to this
kind of short-circuit that it causes
between a given idea and its sponsor
(e.g. writing).''
- Breton claims to have proposed to achieve
the goals of Surrealism ‘’very direct means’’ ,
‘’accessible to everyone’’ to achieve
''all beautiful, all love, all virtue
whether we hardly know ourselves'' and
that one sees in himself ''shine in an intense way ‘’,
1946 comment to the reissue
of manifest 30.
However, for these methods to apply
there form must, a priori, interest the subject.
Here's the hitch!
Does this form of ''beauty'', she shines so
intensely for everyone?
It is not enough not to require that the
works produced by these means should be
considered works of art, we must find
a way that does not require a precise type of work
sine qua non.
For example: to learn to use the contribution that can
be provided by our unconscious observation of
life, I would have thought that dreams would be a clear way
but Peter does not ever remember
his dreams. Thus there are human beings who
still can not use my means of
investigation since the recollection of
the dream is regarded as a
It is very important to know how to assess
the pre-requisites required to
the successful implementation of
all our attempts of association
love, work, politics, etc. ...
- Note: ''telephone'' period
defining the means used by
surrealism ''to give; to man
a good sense of his resources''
by the ''projection in full interior enchantment'' by ''lighting
up the part not yet revealed,
and perhaps, revealable of our being where all beauty, all love,
all virtue that we know
hardly shines in an intense way'' Breton
affirms in a comment in the reissue of
Manifesto 30, in 1946, that ''these immediate means
are not the only ones'' and that it
pleases us to imagine novels'' ‘’where
the likelihood of the decors will cease, for the
first time, to conceal from us the strange symbolic
life that objects, as
the better defined and the most visual, have
only in dreams ...''
period that led to the portrait of
Roseline Pallascio Morin.
- Dissociation:
This surrealism as presented in 1924: yes
but the futile mundane conflicts, of the
second manifesto ... the circle (and concerns) of these
artists are really too far from ours
e.g. ‘’Maldonne’’: the conflict; because that this
magnificent name is given to a bar!
What snobbery suffered by protesters
or otherwise, the distance between our countries makes it so
that I do not understand the correct interpretation.
-''I foresee, however, that they (the preparations of
Surrealism) will be terminated and then the
distressing ideas that surrealism holds will
appear in a huge noise of immense
tearing and will give themselves free rein.
Everything is to be hoped for from the modern shunting
of certain wills to come: affirming themselves after ours,
they will be more ruthless than ours.''
Manifesto 30.
- See note. Style of the end of ''The Return of father
Duchesne''. p. 172 (Manifesto of Surrealism.)
-''The rationalist thought the most master of himself,
the most acute, the most likely to take on all the
obstacles in the field where it applies, has
always seemed to me, outside of this field, to accommodate
himself with very strange complacency. ''Prolegomena
to a Third Surrealist Manifesto
or not (1942) Breton.
give examples. (ARC)
- Axioms for surrealism cf. Manifest
pp. 20, 22, 23, 24 (1, 2, 3, 4th) (see below) - p. 21
definition p. 37
technical means proposed pp. 42
Surrealist Composition written
or first and last draft
To avoid boredom in
To make speeches
To write false stories
confession of importance on the major
human problems of
emotional and sentimental interference
(if they are of a daily nature)
To make ourselves be well seen by a
woman passing in the street.
more performing if they are 46
of a speculative nature over Against death
Analysis of the mysterious effects and particular pleasures
which it may engender (surrealism)
pp. 50 (1) pictures that we do not control
54 (2) - 55 back to childhood where everything
concurred with self-possession
60 to 61 (3) surrealist techniques
and implementation to action.
- Back to page 20
axioms of surrealism
1 -''insofar as it is carried out, according to all
appearances dreams are continuous and
show signs of organization.
2 -''in the state of wake, I have to
consider this as an interference
3 -''The mind of the dreamer
is fully satisfied about what is
happening to it. (the anguishing question of
the possibility does not arise)
4 - When we manage to recount dreams in there
integrity, many mysteries will be solved and we
could hope for future resolution of dreams and
reality into a kind of absolute reality.
Manuscript 11
''the premises were to power up
the images of our fantasies that lie within us.
Originally I would trace the greater outlines
and then increasingly their power
affirmed themselves not only in form
but in all their whole dramatic
The dramatic intensity; that it what
had to be grasped
but I soon realized that the dramatic intensity
is not contained
in the
theme of the image (only) but in its
atmosphere, in the environment where it bathes
as imperceptible as it may be,
in the climate.
What gives such intensity to
the representation of our fantasies are
the contents that we incorporate into them.
Since I knew that this was not
by torturing my graphic technique
or my knowledge of colour etc.. that I would approached
the goal but by understanding better
what are the mechanisms for development
of these contents, what are their origins,
toward what do they tend.
It was now
at that level that I had to meet my models
and based on the clarity of our communications and dialogues
would put the work that could be
for the viewer situates its self at this level of recognition
located just at the edge of the ''clear'' as
the concrete and as ''strong''… as what then
would say the spectator and he would feel that
he has something to do with him, even
if he does not yet see with what himself in
So, I wanted gradually
to make it evident in these pictures that all
contained an authentic beauty so that each time
someone would recognize something
that had to do with himself and to an unknown himself,
there is also at the same time a chance that he will say
that there are attractive things in an another
that he does not know or to whom he does not
usually pay attention.
I thought that for the moment
it was the best contribution
I could bring to the task of motivating
man to use the vast resources that
he owns and which would be so useful in
his increasingly difficult quest because being more conscious
and voluntarily of a better be coming.''
reflection during the study
for the ‘’setting’’ of
the ‘’man/fertility ‘’
march 4th 74
psychological analysis? of course
psychoanalytic medicine? yes
psychoanalytic painting? why not!
But in what, how?
psychoanalytic criticism of painting: yes
psychoanalytical painting: how?
cf. previous presentation.
notes on ‘’The man of fertility’’. March 4th on outline early Nov. 73
pale body
= strong red towards the neck and the pectorals (reminder)
red again and other colours in the phallic region
white thighs, hard, a white comparable
to white-hot metal.
the arms seem to have a lack of sharpness
for a such precise drawing and with so little artifice:
the central arm muscle well
defined, but its outlines will be lost,
then the arm will rise as
scrolls. Ref. the play of the buttocks in the
water and the female body in
the man-bird.
horses (1) also will be scrolled and also the fish
(1) contrary to the hair of the man-bird. Here the organs of
fertility themselves are highlighted, other
symbols are only used as a support in a muted way.
***** (See the canvas ‘’The bird man’’, no.: 1969-035, album 1)
- If like Poe ''It is certain that the simple action
of writing tends strongly to logicize thinking'' and is
approved in this by McLuhan in; Schizophrenia may
be an inevitable consequence of literacy, galaxy
‘’painting fantasies and trying to restore their
dramatic intensity tends strongly to logicize this picturesque language
that speaks to our unconscious each time we listen to it.'' Me.
March 5th 74
- Fantasy: optical illusion
archetype: basic model, prototype.
- I have just taken an effervescent tablet
of vitamin ‘’C’’, orange flavoured.
I look at it dissolve. Everything had a
pale orange tint except for very very tiny granules
which were dark orange. I was looking at one
move through the effervescence towards the surface of
the liquid and was hoping it would reach
the edge of the glass were had accumulated
whitish foam before dissolving its self in turn.
That’s what it did. When it finally began
to dissolve it tinged a slight portion of
the white foam surrounding it. And then I knew
that the flavour and the orange tint was
contained in it. Of course this observation does not change
anything in my life since the manufacturer
of this vitamin product have property dosed it
for me. However, I remain free in
a world where many daily responsibilities
are assumed by others in
my place, and not to let me become
foreign to my own life, my own
actions. I know that these few moments that I always
spend paying attention to my immediate environment
(observing it and understanding it)
are part of those responsible acts that
I do to help me keep
my calm, my good humour and especially avoids me
this feeling unfortunately so current
around me that assails those who
suddenly lose patience, discourage themselves
or revolt themselves, feeling possessed
cheated, used, played, useless ...
exceeded. Feeling so proper to
man of modern technology,
this man who has enough
apparent freedom to not understand anymore
the constraints that are imposed on him by
his bank manager; this man
again, this man who sometimes sees himself
so enslaved that he feels obligated to
indefinitely continue on a road
that does not suit him anymore simply because
he is already ENGAGED (with all the responsibilities
of these commitments), but non the less knowing,
and this is what despairs him the most,
that there was no (at least apparently) other
possible choice at the time of the commitment.
This poor man that experiencing a sudden taste
in his palate does not even know if it
is a desire for orange juice or
for vitamin ‘’C’’ because every morning, drinking
his vitamins ‘’C’’, he never
noticed these orange flavour granules and
believes naively that it is the vitamin ‘’C’’ that
has that taste.
- It has often seemed to me that the thing we pay attention to
the most are often the ones we know the
McLuhan in Gutenberg Galaxy explains one
of Carothers conclusions:
‘’Languages’’ are technologies in that they
constitute an extension or a
expression of all our senses at once: also
they are immediately subject to shock
or intrusion of any mechanical extension of
a sense.''
And I remember this word of Ronald Filions
when we were working together grouped
at the Theatre of the Wolves in 1962 (?): You, Monique,
your ‘’work’’ will be yourself.'' The various
experiences of expressions that I did initially
always subjected myself to before trying
with others; this method stupefied him.
Those in my immediate surroundings have also
always been the first to suffer!
I hear one and another being revolted by
my sudden ability in a conflict for
example to express my point of view with so much
intensely that ‘’it became almost impossible to
share another point of view.’’ I, who
apparently experiences in daily social life
difficulty in expressing myself properly,
that seems so ignorant of
least tactical communication on
terms of approach, diplomacy, protocol,
and have a notorious ability to
naively let myself be boxed in and rolled without
even noticing. This ability has
often to one and to the other seemed
suspect. I explain it as follows:
my immediate contacts (friends, colleagues, ...)
are generally people who speak a lot and
very easily in their group
of ''brilliant'' people. It goes without saying
that I do not surround myself with people as taciturn
and interiors as me. I do not seek
spontaneous support in parity;
but rather, constantly seeking
to identify those among my observations that are
objectively valid, I constantly confront them
with the most diversified viewpoints
possible. So the people around me
in general, talk, talk, talk about what they
do as if it were clear that the totality of the essence of
what they do could be transmitted
by the use of only one sense that is hearing,
with of course spectacular and sensitive ''punch''
lines. Great for them!
But how can we not fear that
people who express themselves only by
verbal and written language, and never
use the other senses, can see little by
little, not only their other ways of
expression atrophy but even that
the one they have loses its dramatic intensity
since it lives only on itself, for
itself, without comparison, without collaboration
without even the contribution of new points
of view that could be provided by
the other senses.
I always try to separate my expression
and my observation between all of my senses. When
the normal course of things, despite my vigilance,
does not allow me to do that, I provoke it,
that is to say that I attribute priorities.
Currently and since a week has started for
me an ''immersion'' in the realm of words,
reading and writing, I started this immersion
gradually even though initially I had
a precise purpose that is to say to precise in terms of
communicable words everything having to do with
this expression of ‘’psychoanalytic painter’’
which has imposed itself little by little in my
pictorial production.
I first started with the slow and ‘’joyous’’ reading
of a work by Van Vogt who seemed to
make a good link between the world of words and
a universe of images. Then followed the reading
and study of an author that I think simple to
read and understand (see in context) for
a North American, and also able to
take me back to the standards and verbal structures
of my surroundings, Arthur Miller. Then,
I dove back into a world of words that
I knew I had already known by the re-reading
of Jean Cocteau. I measured the evolution
(meaning - to go towards or not) of my interest since
my last immersion in words.
Finally I was ripe to address my subject.
Assuming that my intrusion
in the world of Freud and more
specifically Jung are recent and frequent enough, thus always
present in my mind, I selected
to locate the midst of my study
to review what historically
could have preceded it and undertook the editing and
annotation of the manifests of Surrealism
and situate myself in relation to their goals and
statements. Before proceeding further
I thought good to go back and consult a little
my compatriot; McLuhan
to keep clearly in mind where I was situating
my research. Noting that I would never
give up by reason of a few paragraphs
daily, the work that I had already
undertaken, that is the translation (for personal
use) of Man and His Symbols in
its original issue under the personal direction of
C. G. Jung, selecting the chapters that
seemed to me the best able to enrich my thoughts
on topics that each of these
authors enlivened in my conscience.
This gives you an idea of this immersion.
I am dedicating myself to it completely, that is to say:
- Having judged initially that it would be good to start
this new period of creation (I am preparing my
Autumn exposition in Paris 74), period
certainly means to me: concentration
of everyday life on pictures, by
an update on my motives and goals
in terms of words. On one part, I will be fulfilling
the wishes of my colleagues and friends
to see me (myself) verbalize on my
work. Too often unfortunately I leave it to them,
lack of time, the responsibility of doing
so. And secondly I remember
well what is the universe of normal expression
of the people for whom I am about
ready to create this imagery 74, namely
the world of words.
Having thus first acknowledged this and
knowing that the condition of success of
all experiences is that we give ourselves to it
as if it was the first and only thing.
I approached my immersion with serious, conviction
and with the same interest of that of a young
I will never forget that the
world of words is
the expression of choice of only
one of my senses. So I went into the
Temple of the word, decided to gather
a living experience, a landmark experience
but always aware that I was
in one of the temples of my life.
I sometimes visit, as intensely
the temple of music. I do not think
that the songs that are poured out
of the radio, nor those that I hum
in my bath or on the bus suffice me.
But I ask myself why
I did not remain a slave to the first
voluntary technique of expression that
I was formally taught that is to say:
And I tell myself; ‘’It has often seemed to
me that the thing we pay attention to
the most are often the ones we know the
And I think of this young Acadian bride
who often found herself alone with a young
baby on Quebec soil with for only
family, the husband that his job kept away
from home for very long hours,
even for the time.
And I dream about this baby book
where my mother recounted conversations
I had at the age of 9 months, only making mistakes
on articles and, ?, than, that.
God, I’ve known how to speak since almost
always! Perhaps this is why
language has never been for me
THE vehicle of expression; at this
age, we know, without mistake
that pictures feed as much as
music and the words of Mom.
Manuscript 111
- I will confirm my position as to the technical ‘’obsolescence’’
of ‘’independence’’ with respect to the current general global trend
by the following remark in the introduction of McLuhan to
The Gutenberg Galaxy ''That which we called over the centuries
''nation'' did not precede, nor could have preceded the advent
of ‘’gutembergienne’’ technology, nor more that they
could survive the advent of electric circuits
and their power to interest and engage fully
all men between themselves.''
- Our senses are constantly translated into each other
in this experience that we call ‘’con-science’’
How goes it with the extension of our senses,
and organs that now often replace them, so to speak
(language, experience, money/work, guns
fists and teeth, clothes and home-mechanism
regulating body temperature, etc.. then,
‘’TV-talk-all’’ space and time, roads-legs and back,
are they translated between them or are they closed systems?)
- Not to forget that the movement must first ensure
that are provided the means to describe and diagnose
the object of our research, before seeking to evaluate and
to impose therapy.
- It is interesting to note as an illustration of the
consequences of technology on the perceptions of a
people, to see the following example: the expression,
the ''freedom of expression'' in America refers to the concept
of the right to say or not to say certain
While in the Soviet Union the same expression will refer to
the concept of access to means of expression.
(it goes without saying that on a similar theme delegates fail to ever
- According to page 38 of Gal. Gutenberg
the concept of Mr. Trudeau concerning his personal involvement in the
production of a film has nothing to do with a research on
reaching the ‘’better understanding’’, ’’the greater motivation’’, etc.. but
is simply an expression of ''re-triba1ization''
as a technician educator of audio-visual (electric)
therefore primarily affected by the electronic age, he would have been
subjected to this unknowingly.
- P. 38 et seq. schizophrenia as a consequence of literacy?
- Freire con-scientizises by literacy
Jarry con-scientizises in? no! ! !
Jarry ''literates'' through conscientizising? no! ! !
Jarry con-scientizises by ‘’électronifing’’
Freire con-scientizises by literacy "to the social and economic"
Jarry con-scientizises by électronifing "human relations and their influence
on human behaviour "
- Con-scientization. the effects of the division of faculties
in industrial society
. effects of simultaneity by electronic
interdependence and the possibility of
total consciousness or total unconsciousness? (1)
. applied con-science
(1) cautious observation is needed more and more - my tendency to maximize
the role of the observer in simulation games.
- The impact of pictorial practice on my training
given the orientation on the unconscious contents
and the containers
tends to create logic and order in this universe
therefore to make it aware.
- We readily admit that it is impossible to practice ''classic'' erudition,
due to the fact that specialties have multiplied so much.
What can we say about the possibility of still having a ‘’respectable human
potential’’ with the compartmentalization that current usage
subjected to our senses and faculties.
-''Languages are technologies considering that they are
an extension or an expression of all our senses at once:
so they are immediately subject to shock or intrusion
of all mechanical extensions of a sense’’ dixie G. Gutenberg.
what can be said about the difficulties of expression or the change of accent
which I emerge from period to period ... according to my work ...
the latter are almost always sensory, but of different orders ...
-''Thus, the melodies of literate peoples are made
of repeatable cycles, while the music of
primitives ignore repetitive cycles and abstract
forms such as melodies’’ dixit Gutenberg.
What can be said about my ''clashes'' with the composer Fernand Gagnon
and what about the ''lack of rhythm'' that some
reproach my vocal improvisations, while
all recognize me a very great sense of rhythm in
dance ...
-Inevitable wars are the ones that we could not
discern the causes.
- Often what delays the progress of awareness
is this moralising attitude
which many perceive as a ''justification''
(with all that the phrase contains in our underlying content
such as a despicable society, weak, underhanded, wanting to reduce everything
to self - meaning: to pull the cover to one’s self) all attempts
of the defining of an attitude or highlighting
the origins of a behaviour and its progression.
It is important to understand that observation
and its (logicizing) expression that we offer
does not try to justify but to EXPLAIN
in the framework of a common undertaking, bottom of page 1.
- Examples of transfers that are extensions imposed to our senses
i.e. our techniques:
''Scholars'' apprehend by dials (visual)
the intensity of heat, sound, etc..
EVERYONE works like that!
- mythology not= religion Montagu
(supernatural (emerging from Man: His First Million
of man) daily life) years.
- What to say about the effects of such a mental attitude on
the ''moral'' and the ''aggressiveness'' of a man facing
life to live (determining conditions of his ''success'' or ''failure'':
the tribal illiterate (by prayers, rituals, ...) ensure himself that
before undertaking any action that the spirits
are favourable.
they say these people are realistic in the extreme
forcing reality to conform to their desires (rituals ...) would be
for them part of reality
- Illiterate – identify themselves with the environment, close to things
literate - is detached from the surrounding environment
reincarnated - seeking self-consciousness and the world
(choice for the best use possible in order to
goal, achieve the goal (knowledge) of his reincarnation,
mission) aware that he is, that the world is his land of
experience and that his self is his tool of apprehension.
-''The reality of the illiterate, is what happens. Rites intended to increase
fertility of animals and soil fertility, and follow up of such an increase,
will not only be related to the effect obtained; they will be perceived as an
integral part, because without them, fertility would not have been increased''
This requires greater monitoring of the evolution of rituals and their
connection with a plausible reality (Christian rites?)
Why does this presentation of the facts seem not to be
logical? What does it have more or less than any
Of course, we could say of them that they are often logically based
on incorrect assumptions, but we must unfortunately
for us, recognize that with ‘’the dazzling whiteness’’ of our logic and
its premises, the result, in the human aspect, we are far from FUCTIONING
better. Thus, our greatest desire is not only to well
function ...
2 great qualities of the illiterate: dixit Montagu
strong good sense
and a lot of practical sense,
based on the knowledge of the
difficulties of life ...
common sense based on ... it leaves many wondering
especially when one realizes
up to one point man
instructed by Gutenberg often lack
practical sense
-''A time of rapid transition is one that straddles
the border between two cultures and between technologies
that are incompatible. Each of his moments of consciousness is a
act of translation from one culture to another'' Gutenberg
putting back surrealism and psychoanalytic painting, ...
in their historical context.
- Look at painting collection.
- How to make love?
- Culture shock, dixit Gutenberg, periods of transition
offers another key advantage: those who live at
the meeting point of different modes of experience
acquire an easiness to generalize. Mac Gregor
(psychologist) support that ‘’generalization is also a
form of transfer, relative to elementary
conditioned reflexes ... that to the level of complex
abstract scientific generalization, where a simple statement
that can summarize a multitude of facts.''
- Ref. pp. 209, 210,… Gutenberg
at the advent of printing we edited works of
previous centuries. (1)
(1) the same thing occurs in the electronic age - T. V. versus old movies.
The population of our time possessed
more texts on the times that were produced in these times
themselves. ‘’In addition, the reading public felt at home
in this culture of the day. Not only that they
had not many writers, but had they existed,
they would not have found a public ready to
accept them.’’ ‘’Also printing probably facilitated
the work of scientists in some areas. But overall,
we may think it did not help to hasten
the adoption of theories or new knowledge''(1)
(1) Lucien Febre and Henri-Jean Martin, ''The emergence of the Book,'' with the help
Anne Basanoff, Henry Bernard Master, Niché Catane and others. Paris, 1958
***** (Next : Image number 1967-075.)